Woke up at 3:50am and thought "what in the world am I doing." The night before, when I got home from work at oh, about midnight I finished getting together the last minute necessities. So, thankfully I was all packed and ready to go. The event didn't actually start till6am, but we had to drive to the finish and drop a car off first. We left the house at about 4:30 and headed towards the mountains.
I had never done this event before, and was getting excited. I kept thinking, "boy, if I survive, I'm going to have some awesome bragging rights!" Well, it was about 6:15
and we were off. Turns out we all walk up the gravel trail together (so we don't get lost) for about 45-50ish minutes until sun rises and we get to the trail head. And then, ... let the fun begin!
We crossed several creeks in the first few miles. There were rocks to cross over at first, then I fell in. Yeah, I was like "watch, this is how it's done" and then .. BOOM, I went in! Since I was already wet I ended up giving Nicole a piggy back over one of them (& earning a latte!) and then I said no more!
There were some beautiful views, some awesome wipe-outs, lots of rolled ankles, several series of
steps that seemed to go straight up for-ev-er!! & then some really nice run-able (i think I just made a word) passes. I guess I didn't eat a correct breakfast b/c about 2.5 hrs into it I bonked & almost passed out. That wasn't good. Thankfully I had a PowerBar and that definitely helped revive me.
We finished in about 5hr 45min ... and that's with our 15min lunch break, picture breaks and of course our time spent at every creek trying to find a rocky passage way.
Thank you Nicole for dragging me out there! It was a great day full of laughter ... and maybe just a little complaining on my part. =)