This race was actually set for Sunday afternoon. An afternoon race? Surely we are going to roast out there! Well, not so much. As the week prior to the race progressed, it was evident that it was going to be cold and rainy. Sunday morning came & we all piled into Jeff's big red truck and headed south. Sure enough, it felt like one of those cold wet Parris Island races a few years back. Everyone was bundled up w/ at least 3 layers & people were even talking about putting on jackets for the bike/run portion of the race. I looked at Nicole & we both decided it didn't matter how cold it was neither of us were wasting time in TA ... "tri outfit, and tri outfit ONLY it is!" We got body marked, TA all set up and then Jeff & I head out on the bike course to warm up. This is a very unique course through downtown Columbia, SC. It's as 3 x 3.33mi loop with lots of turns and one really good hill, with the rest of it rolling. By this point it's raining pretty good, so we load up our TA bags in the truck and then head inside to the pool to stay warm and meet up w/ Raly. I start getting the racing jitters while we are all lined up in numerical order waiting to start. I didn't realize this pool was going to be long course. We keep scooting down the side of the pool deck, getting closer & closer to the start and then I hear Jeremy say "next, Karen and Sarah." I'm up. We jump in and then its "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go ..."

I barely hear the word "go" as I dip under the water, scruntch back and then spring forward in stream-line form, butterfly kick twice and then am right into my race-pace freestyle (pretty much "go all out pace" since it's a sprint w/ only 500m). I never see Karen again & quickly I am on top of the two swimmers that went off before me. I feel great! I've found my form and everything is just jiving together. Turns out I LOVE long course. It becomes quite evident that I need to put in a different time for my swim pace, as I pass well over 13 people. At one point I come up fast on 4 people right before a wall. We all kinda hit it together & I know there's going to be some hitting. I push off deep under everyone, come out in front & leave them all in the dust ... so fun!! I really start to feel the last 75. Make it to the wall and one last major push, hit the ladder and am running out to TA. I had to run through some grass and mud, so I tried to rub some of it off really quickly before throwing on my shoes (no socks this time!), helmet and glasses. T1=1:00. The mount line seemed for-ever and a day away, but I finally reach it.
The bike course starts right out with a hill. Actually a very big hill. You think you've gotten it, until you turn the corner and keep seeing it rise. I've got this. Shortly into the bike I start puking again. Yes, what happened last week is back. I had issues w/ it while training this past week, so I came into this race accepting that it would happen & I wasn't going to let it fluster me. On the 2nd loop, I almost got T-boned by some stupid car, but other than that the bike went really well. At the first turn of the big hill the camera lady was camped out, so I would try and wipe the puke away, b/c you have to smile & look happy when you get your picture taken =). I pushed hard and really worked the hills. The turns concerned me b/c it was the exact road conditions of my horrible fall last year (wet, rainy, sharp turns & biking fast). I tried to not let it get to my head, but I know I still took a couple of those turns a little wide. Before I knew it I was done with the 3rd lap and running my bike into TA to start the run. T2=1:02
The run goes right up the same hill that the bike goes up. Awesome. This course was very unique also. It had us running on sidewalks, roads, foot bridges, stairs, and I think even a parking lot. Needless to say there were lots of turns. Honestly though, it definitely helped me. Every turn was a short goal. I pushed hard, and when I felt like I might be slowing down, I pushed more. Surprisingly, I felt pretty good. I had a rhythm going & was able to keep it. With about 1/4th mi left there was

We snuck back into the gym for a much needed shower & then bundled back up to face the cold while we waited for awards. Nicole got 7th overall and 1st in her AG! I didn't place, but did get 4th in my AG, & I was so happy w/ my performance! It couldn't have been a better day.
In our efforts to warm up we just had to hit up Starbucks on our way out of town =), & I definitely got the biggest hot Soy Latte I could get!
I have to say a special thanks to my awesome coach & friend, Nicole Ramsbey. She puts up w/ a lot from me & I know I couldn't have raced like I did w/o her.
GI Update: I went to the doctor this week, after my GI issues were definitely not getting better, but worse. I've got some different medicine and we are just hoping it isn't a hiatal hernia. Will do further testing if this persists.