This is the start to my new blog. A blog that is going to track my triathlon training, racing & a little bit of everything else under the sun. I haven't done one of these before, so this should be fun!
So here I sit, trying to be creative and cute ... but I can't think. It's getting late and I'm spent. It is finally Friday, the Friday before Christmas, and you know what that means! Christmas decorations, music, shopping, cooking, cleaning for guest, wrapping gifts ... did I mention it's Christmas time! I love Christmas time! With all the wonderful things comes all the "bad" goodies that taste sooo good. I work for a doctors office and it seems like every day our patients bring lots and lots of cookies, chocolate & candy. I LOVE chocolate chip cookies. They are by far my weakest point. I love carbs & as an endurace athlete eating decent quantities fairly often has become the norm for me. But, eating high quantities of these "goodies" can negatively effect not only your athletic performance, but your overall health. So, how is someone, let alone a triathlete, supposed to stay strong & not eat this wonderful goodness? Hmmm. ... I think moderation is the key. You can't, or at least I can't, say no to them all. So, look over the tray of goodies and pick out the best looking one. That one is yours & enjoy it ... maybe even have another ... just not the entire tray!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!